Thursday, October 18, 2012


This is more of a scrap, but I think it is worthy of solitary mention. I push myself to steer clear of politics because it's sometimes too frustrating and furthermore, I'd never stop typing/talking. This, though, really does warrant its own mention.

From Romney's acceptance speech in Tampa, 

"I learned the real lessons about how America works from experience. When I was 37, I helped start a small company. My partners and I had been working for a company that was in the business of helping other businesses. So some of us had this idea that if we really believed our advice was helping companies, we should invest in companies. We should bet on ourselves and on our advice. So we started a new business called Bain Capital. The only problem was, while WE believed in ourselves, nobody else did. We were young ...That business we started with 10 people has now grown into a great American success story."

It's amazing what words can do - it really is. You could easily get the impression that Romney started a little corner-shop book store or a fence-painting service for his neighbourhood. Who would realize he started a private-equity spin-off from an elite management consulting firm! Krugman has a blurb today on "Itsy-Bitsy-Bain" too!

Poor Mitt, it's the only way a governor's son-harvard educated-multi-millionaire-million-times-over can try and connect with 'ordinary' voters - with the actual small business owners - a lot of whom, unfortunately actually think that he "came through small business". 

Of course this is all irrelevant if he doesn't win. But just saying...stranger things have happened. 

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